Monday, November 5, 2007

The Power of Gratitude

A great way to change your mindset when you feel down about something is to practice the attitude of gratitude.You can start by just thinking of a few things you are grateful for in your life right NOW.Perhaps it's the car you drive,the friends you have,your health...we all do have a lot to be grateful for if we place our attention to this way of thinking.I know in my life,it has really put things in perspective whenever I worry about something,when it's like everythings going wrong.I just focus on all the great things that are now present and the more things you can think about the more you come up with!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Secret Visualization!

The Law of Attraction!

There is a way to master your life,master your mind and to create anything you want in life.You can create in your reality whatever you focus your attention on.With the law of attraction you truly do "get back what you put out".
Your mind is very powerful and what you place your attention on you can manifest in reality!The key is to have a conscious and intentional control on what it is you focus on.We have already manifested,seemingly good or bad,everything that is in our life at present.The thing is did we intentionally and consciously bring into our life,the good the bad, or did we do it unconsciously or on "automatic pilot"?
With applied attention and action to the law of attraction we can strengthen our internal qualities to have more control on what we place our attention on in life and create more positive and beneficial value in our lives!